Telegram, the widely-used messaging service, has announced its intention to introduce an advertising platform in March 2024, which will enable channel owners to earn financial rewards for their content. The announcement was made by Pavel Durov, Telegram’s CEO and founder, through his Telegram channel on Wednesday.
Durov revealed that the platform plans to use toncoin on the TON blockchain for distributing rewards to channel owners. This innovative approach will allow channel owners to receive 50% of the revenue generated from advertisements displayed within their channels. Telegram channels, known for broadcasting messages to wide audiences, generate one trillion views monthly. However, Durov noted that currently, only a fraction of these views, about 10%, are monetized through Telegram Ads, the platform’s advertising tool.
Starting next month, Telegram will broaden its Ad Platform to advertisers in nearly a hundred new countries, enabling channel owners in these regions to begin earning a share of the ad revenue. To facilitate secure and swift transactions for ad payments and withdrawals, the TON blockchain will be exclusively used. This method mirrors the platform’s strategy for Telegram usernames on Fragment, where ads are sold and revenue is shared with channel owners in Toncoin.
Durov emphasized the creation of a positive cycle whereby content creators can choose to either withdraw their earnings in Toncoin or reinvest them into enhancing and promoting their channels. This move marks a significant step forward for content creators on Telegram, which boasts over 800 million monthly active users globally, offering them a new avenue to monetize their content effectively.